Video Library

Access ROSALIND's library of topic specific How-Tos

and Full-length training videos.

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Select a Video Topic to Explore:

RNA-seq Videos:

RNA-seq Experiment Set Up

Learn to set up an RNA-seq experiment from FASTQ or Processed Counts file 

RNA-seq Quality Control


Learn how to navigate and interpret RNA-seq Quality Control tabs and plots

RNA-seq Results

Learn how to navigate and interpret RNA-seq results and interactive visualizations

NanoString nCounter Videos:

nCounter RCC Experiment Set Up



Learn to set up an nCounter Gene Expression or miRNA experiment from RCC files including Advanced Featured Options



nCounter Normalized Counts Experiment Set Up



Learn to set up an nCounter Gene Expression or miRNA experiment from a  Normalized Counts file


nCounter RCC Quality Control



Learn how to navigate and interpret nCounter gene expression Quality Control tabs and plots generated from RCC files



nCounter Normalized Counts Quality Control



Learn how to navigate and interpret nCounter gene expression Quality Control tabs and plots generated from RCC files

nCounter Results 



Learn how to navigate and interpret nCounter gene expression results and interactive visualizations




nCounter Cell Type Profiling


Learn how to interpret NanoString Cell Type Profiling

Single Cell Videos:

Cell Ranger QC and Analysis

Learn how to navigate and interpret Quality Control tabs and plots from scRNA-sequencing Cell Ranger data.

ATAC/ChIP-seq Videos:

ATAC-seq Experiment Set Up



Learn to set up an ATAC-seq experiment from FASTQ files




ChIP-seq Experiment Set Up



Learn to set up a ChIP-seq experiment from FASTQ files


ATAC/ChIP-seq Quality Control



Learn how to navigate and interpret ATAC-seq and ChIP-seq Quality Control tabs and plots generated from FASTQ files

ATAC/ChIP-seq Results



Learn how to navigate and interpret ATAC-seq and ChIP-seq results and interaction visualizations for peaks overlap, tracks plots, and differential accessibility or binding. 

Key Features Videos:

    Differential Expression:

Covariate Correction



Learn how to create and interpret covariate methods  
    Public Data:

Public Data Import

(No Audio)
Learn how to import, navigate, and interpret public data 


Creating a Space 


Learn how to create a space

 Gene List:

Creating a Gene List


       Learn how to create a gene list

Meta-Analysis Videos:


       Creating a Meta-Analysis



        Learn how to create a meta-analysis



Accessing your Meta-Analysis



Learn how to access created meta-analyses



Interpreting Meta-Analysis
Learn how to interpret novel insights with meta-analyses

Full Length Training Videos


Access full-length training videos led by our Customer Success team experts. Training videos are available to current ROSALIND subscribers. Access requires registration via the links below.


Bulk RNA-seq Full-Length Training

Bulk RNA-seq training: 1hr 15min, includes setup and interpretation of RNA-seq experiments.


nCounter Full-Length Training

nCounter Training: 1.5 hour, includes setup and interpretation of nCounter Gene Expression experiments, and a brief overview of Meta Analysis and Spaces.




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