
Multi-OMICs Discovery... Reinvented.

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4 min read

NanoString Masterclass: Quality Control

Earlier this month, we launched NanoString Masterclass Series, designed to enhance scientific understanding and...

3 min read

NanoString Masterclass: Custom Normalization

Earlier this month, we launched NanoString Masterclass Series, designed to enhance scientific understanding and...

3 min read

NanoString Masterclass: Custom Pruning of Low Expression Probes

Earlier this month, we launched NanoString Masterclass Series, designed to enhance scientific understanding and...

3 min read

Mastering Nanostring nCounter Gene Expression Data Analysis: A Comprehensive Series

Rosalind is proud to introduce the NanoString Masterclass Series, an educational initiative aimed at equipping...

3 min read

Unleashing the Power of Knowledge Libraries

As the world of biotechnology continues to evolve at a rapid pace, BioPharma institutions are confronted with the...

3 min read

Women’s History Month at Rosalind Recap

March is always extra special here at Rosalind as we celebrate Women’s History Month. Our team takes great pride in...

4 min read

Tracking the Spread of the COVID-19 Variants

The ROSALIND Tracker is a real-time dashboard for the United States rapid genotyping "Project ROSA" program for...

2 min read

Rebus and Rosalind to Codevelop Spatial Omics Analysis Software

The partnership aims to democratize single-cell spatial analysis data captured on the Rebus Esper™ system and increase...

3 min read

How ROSALIND protects your data

ROSALIND is cloud-native platform that harnesses industry-leading best practices and the strength of Google Cloud...

3 min read

In The News:  ROSALIND welcomes partners HELiXrUS and Geninus

These new partnerships are intended to bring powerful new Single Cell Analysis Services to Cancer Researchers. ROSALIND...